Monday, August 22, 2011


Weary, late....I've been here for a good while now.

Far out fitgue can play with your mind.

"I can do It"!

I meant "fatigue"...disjointed thorts that seem to make sense at the time, and then you really really need to sleep.

But yyour body is awake...or is it the other way around.

As long as Im happy with my destination...this too will resolve its self. New language.

Is jetlag from the plane trip, time and space difference or the over exposure to "new"?

Is there a difference?? I was sitting in a plane for 13 hours. THe only wa y I could tell I was moving was by the sound of the engines pumping and the tilt of the plane. Then touch down...How do I know I wasn't just dangling in the air for the same amount of time and Papatuanuku put on the cloak of another make...with new children, included in the price of the ticket.

Glad to be here...Mates, friends.....glad to have made it. Deflate. Relax and enjoy. These are the rewards of jetlag...I think? I forgot jetlag is new too.

Weary...I need to sleep!