Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Takato, tiiraha, okioki.


It is set by time, and soon in will be set in stone.

Do I swallow light to make myself live?


Do I live in the dark, and call it a life?

Answer me! you won't, not with touch, sound, sight, taste, scent.

Not in my waking, just in my dreaming.

Answer me please? Will my plead ease your apprehension?

Anger swells my belly, sorrow disjoints my thoughts. Alone in my heart...but not alone in my cause.

! see if I care. (This is a lie! RUKAHU! False, incorrect, unreal. Unstoppable, unmovable.)

Fuck you!! You see I care.

And now, I see my caring.

My weakness set by time, and soon will be stone.